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Kids' Corner

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:7

Kids' Corner: Welcome


When we ask Anna what she looks forward to about going to Alaska, she says she is looking forward to eating lots of fish! She has mentioned several times that she is nervous about the bears, though. Anna enjoys riding 4 wheelers and going fishing with Daddy. Anna's favorite color is dark pink. Lollypops are her favorite candy. Her favorite foods are shrimp and bacon. Anna also loves stories about princesses.
Anna's birthday is 9/13.

Kids' Corner: About


James  loves rain, wind, and snow! He loves doing anything that gets him outside, and any sports involving a ball. He loves books about cars, trucks, Nerf guns, and airplanes. Some of his favorite foods are hotdogs, breakfast sausage, and pretty much any kind of fruit. Our whole family is blessed by his easy going nature and his love to play with all of us!
James' birthday is 12/26.

Kids' Corner: About


Melea is the newest member of our family! She's taking in everything around her, including her older siblings lively activities. We are thankful for the gift of this daughter/sister and look forward to seeing her developing personality!
Melea's birthday is 10/15.

Kids' Corner: About
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