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Woman with Bible

Please Pray For Us.

 All our efforts for the Gospel will amount to nothing apart from the blessing and work of God. Please pray that the Lord would use us as He builds His Church in Alaska.

"He has committed to us the word of reconciliation..."
2 Corinthians 5:19

Support: Welcome

If The Lord Leads You to Give...

We would be grateful! Please direct all gifts through our mission board, Baptist Mid-Missions. You can do this by simply clicking the link below. This provides accountability, allows BMM to assist us with our record keeping, and gives you a receipt for tax deductions. Thank you!

Support: About

Financial Support

This percentage represents the current dollar amount being given to our family. Bush Alaska is an expensive place for a missionary family to live and we are required to have 100% of our income before we can move to the ministry there. We will be full-time missionaries, and our income comes from local churches and individuals who are burdened for this mission field and are led of the Lord to give financially so we can share Christ to the people in remote Alaska. Please pray with us that we can be 100% supported by the summer of 2024 and move to Iliamna the end of the summer, if the Lord wills.

100% supported

Praise God

Support: Infographics

Get in Touch

We'd love to get to know you and have you join with us in prayer! If you would like to receive our emailed newsletters, please submit a message so we can add you to our list. We can also be reached at the following email address:

You can also add your email to the subscription Form at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for submitting!

Support: Contact
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